

The Powerwand is a powerful tool that broadcasts your intentions.

The Powerwand is now plated with nickel and polished to an ultra high-gloss finish. They look like they came from a machine, but are 100% hand made. This is a very powerful radionic device.

Add an LI-ION rechargable battery pack!

No more buying batteries! Not for years, these batteries are rechargeable hundreds of times. With two batteries you just rotate them between your device and the charger, you'll never be powerless.

NOTE: This adds one rechargable battery pack. Increase the number of battery packs directly in your cart during the checkout to add more than one battery pack.

Click to Add LI-ION Batteries to your order

Display your Powerwand proudly on a custom-made wooden base!

Select from the following exquisite bases to not only enhance the beauty of your Powerwand but also provide a touch of sophistication to any space. Handcrafted with care, it is the perfect complement to your cherished Powerwand, ensuring it stands out with the elegance it deserves.

Can I buy a base if I already have a Powerwand?


Explore our collection of handcrafted wooden Powerwand bases. Read detailed descriptions and watch a short video for each item here.

Select a Base

Give your Powerwand a stylish resting place with one of these custom-made wooden bases.

Total: $419.00
* Pictures for illustration purposes only. Batteries shown in product photos are not included in purchase price and must be purchased separately.
** Batteries available to ship to destinations within the USA only.


The Powerwand is a powerful tool that broadcasts your intentions. It has just been made more environmentally friendly

The Powerwand has been nickel plated for a long time, it was originally just bare copper. The plating of metals is a societal problem. These plating shops have large vats of heated acids that are sometimes not properly disposed of pr0perly and the metal polishing sends tiny particles of metal into the air and unless high level breathing apparatus is employed it’s very dangerous. The metal plating done by big corporations are likely to comply with environmental laws where the small, Mom and Pop shops often do not. As a result metal plating shops are being closed all over the world. So we are covering the Powerwand with a really good looking vinyl wrap that doesn’t fingerprint and feels nice in the hands, not cold! And no fingerprints!

The Powerwand weighs six pounds and is 9″ x 3″. They contain a large quartz crystal that is wrapped with a Moebius coil that is powered by the same 15 Hz 555 circuit used in the Zapper and Succor Punch.  The control box is located in the base and covered with a cap. There is also four powerful neodymium magnets aligned with the crystal. The Orgonite matrix is made with clear polyester resin, aluminum and brass. Also included in the mix is emerald shist, garnet, pyrite, hematite and amethyst.

Andy’s simple explanation: The Powerwand is a Succor Punch on steroids. Don Croft and I built the first one in my garage in 2002. Originally it was a plain, brown copper tube and along the way it’s been made to look nicer but the original design elements are still in place. It is an extremely powerful device that channels your intentions through this and other dimensions such that your influence occurs everywhere at once! It’s best to carry a Succor Punch on your person when using it to cloak, operate anonymously, a Powerwand will do it from your home, no need to carry it around. To program it simply turn it on, place your dominate hand over the crystal and say out loud your intentions. Your declaration is being applied to a scaler wave that has no programming other than your own, no pattern, like white noise. Your intentions impart onto that wave and radiate out, everywhere. Don Croft said the Powerwand was originally designed to deal with predators but it’s proved to be so much more.

Here’s the Powerwand Instructions included with the product:

The basic instructions for the Powerwand are simple; turn it on and state your intentions. Just place it on a table with the crystal end down. Pull off the metal cap. Flip the switch on the powerbox toward the LED light. It will flash when operating. A battery is included. Replace the cover, place it with the crystal end up and it’s ready for programming.

I hold my right hand over the Powerwand’s crystal when I make my intentions. but I don’t think that’s a requirement. I’m pretty sure you would have the same good results if you put the Powerwand under your foot, either one. Or in the next room. The point of this is the ritual aspect. And making a connection with the Powerwand. When we follow a ritual when making intentions we are making much stronger intentions. The Hindus use prayer wheels that spin and their vibrations carry the prayers into and through the Ether, which is everywhere, at once. It’s a similar thing we are doing, just using a much higher-tech tool.

Also, I state out-loud my intentions as I feel there’s more power there. You can make as many intentions as you want, the universe can accommodate. The Powerwand will broadcast your intent as long as it’s turned on and the battery is well. If the battery dies or the unit is turned off , you need to program it again. The Powerwand is like a little broadcasting radio, only it sends out your intentions instead of just your voice. We don’t run them with wall current transformers because the 60Hz freq screws it up. Don Croft taught me this many years ago. The bad frequency bleeds through and ruins the 15HZ signal. Buy cheap 9 volt batteriesat The Dollar Store, 99 Cent Store, etc.

Once you’ve programmed your Powerwand you don’t need to have it on your person, or even nearby. It is literally a Succor Punch on steroids and is so powerful you can leave it home and you will remain mentally connected to the device, at any distance. If you set your programming in the morning, as the day goes by, whenever you remember the intentions, think of your Powerwand, see it in your mind and give the program a mental boost. Re-affi rm the intentions in your mind, boosting the message’s strength.

There are other ways to program the Powerwand. You can type your intentions on paper and wrap it around it or place it under your Powerwand. That works. Doing this along with vocal intentioning is probably most effective. It’s all ritual, which powerfully boosts what you’re doing. You can devise your own rituals, methodology. You should. The point is that your intentions, through your will, is being broadcast into the Ether (everywhere) via the scaler wave produced by the Succor Punch.

That’s it.

Experiment. Try different rituals until you become comfortable with it, I think you’ll know when that moment arrives. Batteries last about three days with constant use, please buy the rechargeable battery kit! If I were to give any advice, it would be to wish no harm. If you are plagued by negative entities, sending them love is what messes with them the best. Sending unconditional love from your heart chakra, through a Powerwand is very, very powerful and effective.

Here’s Don’s description of the device:

The Powerwand is a synergistic combination of the Succor Punch and metal/resin matrix in a copper tube, special minerals added. I owe the basic idea to Bruce Stenulson, Ben Morton and Suze Hooten, who made previous combinations of the two components.

This device, though, is specifically designed to disable predators. We made it available after we ascertained that no person who is not exhibiting murderous behavior will be harmed by it. For those who have chosen a destructive and exploitive path in life, the energy from this device easily prevents them from doing harm to others. Without getting too specific, it apparently dissembles anyone who identifies strongly with a predatory thoughtfrom. This seems to happen without any conscious thought or will from the operator other than to prevent the target from doing harm. The energy is intelligently directed to create a balance within that person, however that may be accomplished. I see its action as a function of natural law, not as judgement from us or an inappropriate use of personal power.

I tested it first on myself, of course. At full blast, my energy sensitive wife, Carol, only say cobalt-blue energy flowing all over the outside of my body. It felt awfully nice.

We did a series of tests after that for friends among the active members of the cloudbuster forum from around the world who were under attack by the NSA, the Montauk consortium and other predatory agencies because of their successful atmosphere-healing and awareness work.

It’s not necessary for a person to be psychic to use this. I know that because I was able to get the same apparent results without my wife, Carol’s, help as with it in most cases.

In those cases, I did the work, then told Carol about it and asked her to look at the results. There are some others who can do this astral looking, of course, but if you decide to hook up with a person who is talented this way, make sure he or she has an adequately strong character and spiritual integrity first if you want reliable data.

If you perceive a threat, simply turn the Powerwand on and imagine the energy going to the source of the threat. Just the same as with the Succor Punch, there’s no distance barrier and no entity can hide or shield from this energy.

Unlike the Succor Punch, though, this device has the ability to do more than just stop the predatory activity. What’s remarkable, but not surprising, is that as we move up the chain of command we encounter people who are more and more bloodstained and bloodthirsty. Needless to say we haven’t encountered many elected officials in these food chains. About half of them here are Men in Black, military officers and secret brotherhood adepts, though of course the first two categories are nearly always in the third one, too, and at that level it indicates regular human sacrifice, including infants.

These are the folks who now run the world. Stopping them in any moment is stopping a monstrously big crime in progress, since the world order is intent on killing most of the people on the planet right now, and they’ve killed countless millions already with starvation, warfare, poisoning, plagues, and mass executions throughout the world.

Carol and I truly believe that a small number of Powerwands in willing hands will terrify and dissemble the entire predatory apparatus in fairly short order so that we can have our governments back. Without the sponsorship of these predators, who literally own ALL elected officials right now through extortion, bribery and other manipulations, these politicians will be answerable to nobody but us, at last. Think of the implications.

As with the cloudbusters, this is your invitation to experience your deserved level of personal freedom and responsibility. Since I know that it simply won’t work inappropriately in the hands of anyone who isn’t ready to accept responsibility for it, I feel justified in making it available to the open market.

We haven’t explored the healing potentials of the Powerwand yet, but judging from what I felt when I turned it on myself, I suspect that it will be a powerful tool for rejuvenation and healing on many levels.


You should get our 9 volt Li Ion batteries and charger too, The Powerwand uses a lot of juice, kills a battery in three days of continuous use and rechargeable batteries are highly recommended!

Additional information

Weight 7 lbs
Dimensions 12 × 6 × 6 in
Buying Options

Powerwand, Add Li-Ion Rechargeable Batteries

30 reviews for Powerwand

  1. 5 out of 5

    Mark (verified owner)

    Very well made product Andy! Thanks for giving a flip and helping the world! Sending Love, Blessings and protection to all the world!

  2. 5 out of 5

    Dontworrybehappy (verified owner)

    I bought this back in March and it simply blew my mind. No doubt this works! It helps when your intentions are pure and good natured. I 1st pray for the hands who created such a device for me, I pray for the world, AND I pray my personal prayers. Repetition is key, as noted in the description. And I have SEEN results! You also must believe it works. I never deviate from placing my faith in the creator and believe this is just a way to be heard more clearly. God can always hear you but sometimes a megaphone is helpful. Lol. Just my theory.

    Currently, I have had to ask my father (certified electrician) twice to help me fix the SUPER DELICATE WIRES that lead to the battery. Be very careful with this device; the resin and crystals are def solidified but the wiring and reattachment to the battery is tricky. This is my only disappointment but it is very unfortunate that a more sturdy method of connection can’t be made for the cost. Maybe it’s only my unit. I believe these are handcrafted so I understand how things can be. However, the amount of recharging the batteries need is what makes it more likely to break. Replacing the dead battery w the newly charged battery so often becomes tedious.

    Other than that, this very much works and has prevented me from car accidents, helped with emergency rescue for things like drownings, animal abuse, and even mended relationships…you name it! It’s your thoughts, it’s your powers, it’s the world you live in! So make it awesome with your best wishes ❤️. c’mon let’s save the world ppl

  3. 5 out of 5

    Bruce Coary (verified owner)

    Again meticulously crafted. Beautiful.

  4. 5 out of 5

    jakel (verified owner)

    5 stars!!!
    If anyone is on the fence wondering whether or not to get a Powerwand… Just go ahead and get one NOW!
    The thing is amazing! I’m looking at it right now as I type this and I can literally see energy coming out of it’s top…
    and I haven’t even turned the thing on to do anything with it yet!
    Seriously considering getting a second one just in case anything ever happens to this one.
    Super cool!

  5. 5 out of 5

    Anonymous (verified owner)

    Your attention to craftsmanship results in stunning quality! Thank you!

  6. 5 out of 5

    Anonymous (verified owner)

    Wonderful beyond words! It holds a clear space and projects whatever you program into it instantly..The people I work with have experienced a huge leap in opening whilst having this in the room and receiving body/mind/spirit work.

  7. 5 out of 5

    Kathy H. (verified owner)

    omgoodness!! This device was worth saving up for. It has many different abilities, so I am experimenting and learning as I grow!! It magnifies my connection and my prayers!!

  8. 5 out of 5

    Ronald (verified owner)

    Great product. Will shop for more items soon :)

  9. 5 out of 5

    Christopher (verified owner)

  10. 5 out of 5

    Anonymous (verified owner)

    These power wands are great friends. They bring good thoughts and are nice to have around. Thanks, Andy!

  11. 5 out of 5

    Anonymous (verified owner)

    really nice power wand, i’m glad i got it.

  12. 5 out of 5

    Jeremy (verified owner)

  13. 5 out of 5

    Jeff L. (verified owner)

    Power wand is amazing! Works like a charm.

  14. 5 out of 5

    Kenneth (verified owner)

    Very very nice. Good, solid construction. Read the directions, installed a battery, and programmed it. I will use it along with my Succor Punch to help family, friends, and humanity. Thank you, CTB! Also, indebted to Don C. for his creating my Terminator.

  15. 5 out of 5

    Julia (verified owner)

  16. 5 out of 5

    Jacob (verified owner)


  17. 5 out of 5

    Beverly (verified owner)

    Totally excellent – my first intention using the wand was to never be bitten by a mosquito again. So far I have been outside 4x during sunset (when mosquitos are most active). No bites!

  18. 5 out of 5

    Susan Russell (verified owner)

    looks great can’t wait to use charging up right now. My question can I use indoors any dor affect? distance?

    • Andy Schwarm (store manager)

      Yes you can use it anywhere. It’s distance is unlimited and it’s a powerful positive orgone generator.

  19. 5 out of 5

    Sharnael Wolverton sehon (verified owner)

  20. 4 out of 5

    Charles Quertain (verified owner)

    Almost perfect! Just the battery holder that keeps falling off, have to tape it. Also the strong intoxicating resin fume that needs to be aired out when opening (details). Really neat as the casting mix is very grounding together with a large dynamic field output with the medium density! Thank you Andy (the belgian customs charged me 34 extra Eur VAT incl.) Very fast delivery too.

  21. 5 out of 5

    Kelley (verified owner)


  22. 5 out of 5

    zgrl (verified owner)

    Loving my powerwand

    Couldn’t wait to finally obtain one. I use it every day for boosting. I can feel it working. I dowse with it as well and the energy coming off it is quite powerful.

  23. 5 out of 5

    Ellie (verified owner)

    Beautiful Craftmanship

    I bought the silver powerwand about 6 years ago. It sits on my nightstand. It took a while to make and ship because it is hand made with oodles of crystal/metal layers and a large single quartz in the middle. The bottom pops off where the radionic device is and you can change the 9V battery from there. It needs changing about every 4 months or so. I can usually tell the battery has gone dead and the radionic device is not powered because there is more “night time activity” in my bedroom than when the radionic device is powered. When the device is powered my bedroom is silent all night. There is a blinking red light on the device to tell you it is powered. The crystals are high quality, the metals untarnished, and the fiberglass is clear and protects the large crystal sticking out the top. The finish on the outside of my powerwand is still perfectly untarnished and no scratches despite moving it around my house at times. I do wipe my grimy fingerprints off the outside after moving it to help preserve the polished finish. It IS heavy, so keep a good grip on it when handling it. It works very well, and it is beautiful too! You will not be disappointed.

  24. 5 out of 5

    matt (verified owner)

    Excellent product!

    Damn this is a nuclear powerwand! This is my first of its kind and i gotta say i’m glad i ordered one! On the 1st day i could feel my hand & my body buzzing with energy, i was like wtf? It took a few days of practice and testing to feel it and program it thanks to the manual delivered with it. I’m also glad that it works like a cloudbuster too. In conclusion this really packs a punch and i definitely recommend it!

  25. 5 out of 5

    Christine (verified owner)

    The manifesting capabilities are amazing with this. It clears the sky, our home, and we are constantly protected. I can’t say enough about it. I used to sage my home weekly. Since I received the Powerwand, I have not needed to sage. I have created storms and cleared the sky….LOVE LOVE this item! THANK YOU!

  26. 5 out of 5

    Carlos (verified owner)

    I received my unit today. The energy output of this unit is amazing. It feels very strong. It cleared my sinus inmediately. I’m looking forward start working weith this unit.

  27. 5 out of 5

    Brooksby (verified owner)

    A beautiful piece of art and craftsmanship. I have the gold one and recommend it highly. Very powerful feeling of Peace, Harmony and Safety have enveloped my home since the arrival of this Golden Masterpiece

  28. 5 out of 5

    Andrew (verified owner)

    Awesome polished finish. When I turned this baby on, I felt the enegry Don Croft said he felt in his description of the Powerwand. It felt so good that after I turned it on, I started laughing and couldent stop for a few minutes. I felt alot of joy. It was a beatiful feeling. Besides that I am completely protected from forces I am unaware of, even while I sleep and all other predators in the Astral, Etheric and Physical realms. If you want to be protected when and if Matrial Law is is put into play Nationally, then I recommend getting one of these. Be Well

  29. 5 out of 5

    Eric (verified owner)

    I bought mine from Andy about five months ago and it is an excellent device. Each time I bring it in my backyard, it dissolve haarp clouds and chemtrails over my house.

  30. 5 out of 5

    Mark (verified owner)


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